as precipitation, also known as rain, sleet, hail or snow.  Precipitation can collect in streams, rivers and oceans or seep into the land.
   From here the hydrologic cycle begins again or the water ends up in an aquifer as groundwater.
WATER: Essential for LIFE
   Groundwater is a precious commodity and must be protected for the plants, animals and people on Earth to survive.  According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), groundwater provides approximately 51% of drinking water consumed in the United States.
   Pollution can damage groundwater areas making the water unsafe to drink.  Be sure to dipose of chemicals and other pollutants properly to avoid contaminating the groundwater.
   Learn more by visiting the links here and on our Cool Links page.  And get involved in water know it's essential for LIFE!
Earth by springs.  Man brings water up by drilling a well into the aquifer.

What is a WELL?
   A well is a hole drilled in the ground to reach water.  Perforations and casing are installed down the hole and the area between the casing and the outside of the hole is packed with gravel.  Cement is poured on top of the gravel to produce a seal.
   A pump draws water through the perforations to bring the water to the surface where it can be used for things such as irrigation or drinking.
   The hydrologic cycle has four elements: evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.
   When water evaporates it
rises into the air.  As water vapor gets higher in the air it gets cold and turns back into liquid or condensation.  When too much condensation is in the air it falls back to Earth
   Would you believe that below the Earth's surface is more than 2 million cubic miles of fresh water?  The water stored there is called groundwater and can be found almost everywhere. 
   This underground storage area is called an aquifer or the saturation zone.
  Groundwater supplies are replenished through the hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle.
What is an AQUIFER?
   The word aquifer is from the Latin "aqua" which means "water" and "ferre" which means "to bear or carry".
   An aquifer is the area of spaces and cracks between
fractured rocks (such as limestone), sand and soil where groundwater collects.  Imagine pouring a glass of water into a pile of sand, the water would travel between the pieces of sand the same way water does in a aquifer.   In Nature, water in aquifers is brought to the surface of the
Maggiora Bros. Drilling, Inc.
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