"The year is 1962. A young man in his early twenties, newly discharged from the service, drifts into a job with a one-man drilling operation. He has no experience in the industry, but learns as he goes. One month later, the boss's heart problems force him into early retirement, and the apprentice, still wet behind the ears, agrees to buy him out."  - Tamara Moore, Water Well Journal, August 1995

Dave Maggiora borrowed the  money from his father to get  Maggiora Bros. started and agreed to let his brother,
Marty, into the business as well. Both men worked in the field. Marty eventually began working in the office while Dave continued in the field.  

Under their leadership the company grew. 43 years later the one-man drilling operation has been turned into a multi-million dollar company that employs 60 to 70 full-time workers, including office staff.

Maggiora Bros.' corporate headquarters are located in 
Watsonville, California. A 
single branch office operates about 35 miles east in HollisterCalifornia. The Hollister branch houses the full-service pump repair and machine shop.

The company owns about 30 rigs of various sizes and types. On a typical work day, you might find any of the rigs on such jobs as domestic, municipal/industrial and irrigation drilling, well abandonments or large and small pump jobs.

Dave's oldest son, Mark, began working summers around 1976. His first duties included broom pushing, cleaning parts and all around general go-fering. He began working full-time in 1981 and by then his duties included delivering gravel and casing to the rigs. Currently, Mark is in charge of the drilling department.

Mike, Dave's other son, came on board a few years after Mark doing the same go-fering and odd jobs during the summers.  After graduating high school, he went to college
and has a bachelor's degree in business. Mike currently runs the pump department. He is married to Brenda. They have two daughters, Ashley and

In a parallel with the past, Mark works mostly in the field while Mike does most of his work in the office, just like their Dad and Uncle did.

In 1994, Marty Maggiora passed away after a fight with cancer. After losing his brother, Dave was forced to regroup. He and his sons continued on, bringing Maggiora Bros. into the 21st century.

Dave has been described as a man with a "vision", one with "a drive to succeed" and as "a workaholic". Maggiora Bros. is proof of all his hard work.

His sons say Dave's life is Maggiora Bros. And that may well be true...but if Joanne, his wife of 53 years, had it her way, they'd be traveling with friends or hanging out with the grandkids instead and letting Mark and Mike run the show!
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Maggiora Bros. Drilling, Inc.
Corporate Office
595 Airport Blvd.
Watsonville, California  95076

Branch Office
2001 Shelton Dr.
Hollister, California  95023

Toll Free


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